All talks » When God the King goes out...

Series thumbnail for When God

Date: 23 Aug 2020
Bible: Zephaniah 2:4-15
Speaker: Jonathan Gemmell

1) God the King goes out against the nations

2) (2:4-15)








3) God the King goes out to restore his remnant people

4) (2:7 & 9)








5) God the King goes out to welcome worshippers from across the world (2:11)









 -How does God going out against the nations make you feel? Why is this necessary & a good thing?

 -How does Zephaniah 2:4-15 enlarge your vision of God and teach you of his purposes?

 -Zephaniah 2:4-15 sees justice and love delicately woven together, why is it important to see both of these together?