“Why I can’t believe:
I follow a different philosophyâ€
John 10:1-21
Chapter 9 recap: Siding with Jesus means being rejected by the world
But it’s worth following Jesus because…
1. Only the true shepherd knows his sheep (1-6)
2. Only the true shepherd gives life to his sheep (v7-10)
(and we’ve got to follow someone)
3. Only the true shepherd lays down his life for his sheep (v11-21)
Coffee questions:
The beggar in chapter 9 discovered that siding with Jesus means being rejected by the world: in what ways is it costly to follow Jesus in your situation?
When are we inclined to think that we will be freer by not following Jesus? When are we inclined to think that following Jesus wholeheartedly will spoil our lives? How can we use Jesus’ teaching in this chapter to help us in those moments?
What are the alternative voices which aim to take us away from following Jesus? How does this passage help us to resist them?