
The Bible tells us everything we have, including our money, is a gift from God. Please consider partnering financially with us. There are many exciting gospel opportunities to support.


Grace Church is entirely supported by donations from the church family. Since our launch in 2015 we have been blessed with a generous congregation, which has enabled us to fully meet ministry expenses in most years. However with challenging economic conditions ahead we expect some pressure on our income, whilst inflation is affecting our cost base. Could you partner with us financially, on a regular or one off basis, to help us continue our ministry?

The Fellowship Fund offers financial support and signposting to professional advice for members of Grace Church Greenwich who are facing financial difficulty. This may take the form of a loan and/or a grant, and signposting to debt advice through Christians Against Poverty. Please be aware that donations may be moved into general church funds at the Trustees' discretion.

Please contact if you'd like to discuss any aspect of church finances.

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Amazon Smile

Grace Church Greenwich is now a registered charity on Amazon Smile! If you do your Amazon shopping at, and select Grace Church Greenwich as your chosen charity, the church can benefit from your online shopping!